jueves, 9 de septiembre de 2010

Wellcome to Cartagena (Spain) II

If you like Know all about the ancien Roman, you´ll fall in love with Cartagena. You can walk on its ancient Roman streets. Its really!. You´ll love this city located in the southwest of Spain.

The Decumanus Maximus, discovered during excavations of 1968, was, in ancient times, one of the principal arteries of the city, that linked the port area with the forum. There you can imagine the people going to the baths or shopping in the tabernae (stalls) beneath the arcade...

It´s an ancient world under the modern world that shows the structure of the thermal baths, the diferents rooms, the buildings along the Decumanus and its surroundings.

Go down deeply into the authentic day-to-day history of the Roman world.

If you Know more about this city and you understand Spanish you can visit the entrance with the same name "Wellcome to Cartagena"

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